F4U Corsair

F4U Corsair

F4U Corsair is an American single-engine aircraft produced between 1942 and 1953 mostly for US naval aviation. A distinguishing feature of the Corsair is its folding wings. F4U was well known in the 1940s and the 1950s thanks to its impressive top speed, great range and fantastic manoeuvrability. It was one of the few World War II fighter aircraft to be developed long after the war ended.

Aircraft specifications

  • Aircraft: F4U Corsair
  • Production date: 1950
  • Powerplant: 2 300 HP
  • Maximum speed: 718 km/h
  • Maximum altitude: 12 650 m
  • Range: 2 500 km

Display / participant details

  • Participant name: F4U Corsair “Devotion”
  • Pilot: TBC
  • Country: Germany
  • Display day: Friday and Saturday
  • Display time: day 🌤️
  • Static display: yes
  • Number of aircraft: 1

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