PC-7 TEAM from the Swiss Air Force is a formation of nine Pilatus PC-7 aircraft. It is one of the representative teams of the Swiss Air Force. The team’s show is full of breathtaking flypasts in a formation of airplanes less than 3 metres apart and spectacular passing. The PC-7 TEAM is one of the most famous military teams in Europe.

Aircraft specifications

  • Aircraft: Pilatus PC-7
  • Production date: 1978
  • Powerplant: 550 HP
  • Maximum speed: 500 km/h
  • Maximum altitude: 10 060 m
  • Range: 1 200 km

Display / participant details

  • Participant name: PC-7 TEAM
  • Pilots: TBC
  • Country: Switzerland
  • Display day: Friday and Saturday
  • Display time: day 🌤️
  • Static display: no
  • Number of aircraft: 9

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